The Walt Disney Co. dropped actress and MMA star Gina Carano from its hit Disney+ series The Mandalorian on Thursday, caving to a cancel campaign after the actress compared the current political climate to Nazi Germany on social media. But in what appears to be a corporate double standard, her co-star Pedro Pascal has also conflated current politics with Nazi Germany and remains employed by the studio.
The difference is that while Carano compared current Democratic policies to the Nazis, Pascal likened the Trump administration to Germany’s Third Reich.
Office 365 download word for mac. In a 2018 tweet, actor Pedro Pascal attempted to smear the Trump administration by comparing the detention of migrant children at the border to Nazi concentration camps. Pascal used the hashtag #ThisIsAmerica while juxtaposing photographs of a Nazi concentration camp dated 1944 and what appears to be a photo of migrant youths in a border facility.
Gina Carano opened up about facing backlash from the Star Wars community over her conservative and anti-mask tweets amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The 38-year-old Mandalorian star, who. Actress and MMA champion Gina Carano is coming under fire for her controversial Twitter presence. The 38-year-old, who is best known for her role as Cara Dune in 'The Mandalorian,' has been called 'transphobic' by her critics for a recent social media stunt that, some argue, mocked trans people and their allies. Gina Carano tweet: Why is the hashtag #FireGinaCarano trending on Twitter? Mixed martial artist turned actress Gina Carano faces the disapproval of many people on Twitter after she produced a.
Rosetta for mac download free. — Pedro Pascal he/him (@PedroPascal1) June 20, 2018
Pedro Pascal didn’t mention in his tweet the fact that the Obama-Biden administration built many of the fences, often referred to as “cages,” at U.S. border facilities that were used to detain adults and separate them from children apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Gina Carano Tweets
While Gina Carano has espoused libertarian and right-leaning views on social media, Pascal has promoted his progressive ideology and left-wing politics on Twitter.
On President Trump’s last day in office, Pascal tweeted “BYE.” When Twitter banned the president earlier last month, the actor expressed his joy.
— Pedro Pascal he/him (@PedroPascal1) January 20, 2021
Gina Carano Comments
— Pedro Pascal he/him (@PedroPascal1) January 9, 2021
This week, he praised his transgender sibling, Lux, who recently came out as a transgender woman. In Spanish, he tweeted “my sister, my heart, our Lux.”
Mi hermana, mi corazón, nuestra Lux. #LuxPascal @luxpascal0 @revista_ya
— Pedro Pascal he/him (@PedroPascal1) February 9, 2021
Since starring in Netflix’s Narcos, Pedro Pascal has seen his Hollywood career skyrocket. In addition to The Mandalorian, which is currently in its second season, the Chilean born star appears in Wonder Woman 1984 and is set to star in HBO’s adaptation of the video game series The Last of Us.
Gina Carano Tweets Masks
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