Eugeny Terminus

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Echizen Ryoma echizenryoma Chengdu, Sichuan, China@MengYunfan @zxiaofan

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release Eugeny/terminus

Terminus Download

latest-mac.yml 0.34KB

latest.yml 0.34KB

terminus-1.0.137-linux.deb 64.57MB

terminus-1.0.137-linux.rpm 64.36MB

IDE agnostic The all-new Spring Tools can be used in various coding environments, ranging from Eclipse as a full-featured integrated development environment to Visual Studio Code and Theia as lightweight code editors. Continue to use your preferred environment and add great Spring tooling to it. Spring visual studio code. Spring Boot support in Visual Studio Code Spring Boot in Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Code is an ideal lightweight development environment for Spring Boot application developers and there are several useful VS Code extensions including. Visual Studio Code Introduction. Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is an open source text editor developed by Microsoft and is free to use. It's known for being relatively lightweight while also incorporating key features found in modern IDE's such as Git integration and an extensive debugger.

terminus-1.0.137-linux.tar.gz 93.62MB

terminus-1.0.137-macos-arm64.pkg 100.63MB 97.53MB

terminus-1.0.137-macos-x86_64.pkg 99.44MB 96.53MB 0.10GB

terminus-1.0.137-setup.exe 75.60MB

terminus-1.0.137-setup.exe.blockmap 82.79KB

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Package Details: terminus-terminal 1.0.138-1

Terminus Terminal

Package Actions

  • View PKGBUILD / View Changes
Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: terminus-terminal
Description: A terminal for a more modern age
Upstream URL:
Licenses: MIT
Submitter: SolarAquarion
Maintainer: SolarAquarion
Last Packager: SolarAquarion
Votes: 7
Popularity: 0.000001
First Submitted: 2017-07-26 01:27
Last Updated: 2021-02-16 00:16

Dependencies (6)

  • fontconfig(fontconfig-srb, fontconfig-infinality-ultimate, fontconfig-infinality, fontconfig-infinality-remix, fontconfig-ubuntu, fontconfig-git, fontconfig-minimal-git)
  • nodejs(nodejs6-bin, nodejs-git, nodejs-nightly, nodejs-lts-dubnium, nodejs-lts-erbium, nodejs-lts-fermium)
  • git(git-git)(make)
  • npm(nodejs6-bin, nodejs-nightly)(make)
  • python2(make)
  • yarn(yarn-nightly)(make)

Sources (1)

snowblind001 commented on 2021-03-14 15:53

not sure where you got version 138 from, that version doesn't exist and it's why the build is failing. the latest version (as of today) is 135:

change the line pkgver=1.0.138 to pkgver=1.0.135 and it will build.

glazedpineapple commented on 2020-07-04 16:33

I have also noticed that the build freezes on the loading screen. I am not sure what is causing it

Terminus Windows

glowackimaciej commented on 2020-06-20 10:34

The application builds but freezes at loading screen. Any ideas what could be the issue?

natrist commented on 2020-02-09 04:46

yochananmarqos commented on 2018-07-10 17:55

why do you have two terminus-terminal packages pulling from git? This one should be using the source tarball as the source and terminus-terminal-git should be the one pulling from git.

haawda commented on 2017-12-01 15:39

flaketill commented on 2017-08-09 06:22