Visual Studio Code Java Lombok
This extension for Visual Studio Code adds useful snippets for Spring Boot. These are especially useful for creating REST apis, and configuring database connection properties. UsageFor a detailed walkthrough, please use this youtube video - Type part of a snippet, press enter , and the snippet unfolds. Alternatively, press Ctrl +Space (Windows, Linux) or Cmd +Space (macOS) to activate snippets from within the editor. Java SnippetsSnippet | Purpose |
spring-crudctrl | Spring controller with CRUD actions implemented | spring-crudrepo | Spring Data JPA CRUD repository with REST api annotation | spring-jparepo | Spring Data JPA repository with REST api annotation | spring-entity | JPA entity with ID field | spring-lombok-entity | JPA entity with ID field and Lombok @Data annotation | spring-ctrl-getall | Controller GET action for collection | spring-ctrl-getone | Controller GET action for single item | spring-ctrl-post | Controller POST action | spring-ctrl-put | Controller PUT action | spring-ctrl-delete | Controller DELETE action | / application.yaml SnippetsSnippet | Purpose |
spring-sqlite | SQLite database jdbc url and properties | spring-sqlserver | SQL Server database jdbc url and properties | spring-oracle | Oracle database jdbc url and properties | spring-postgresql | PostgreSQL database jdbc url and properties | spring-mysql | MySQL database jdbc url and properties | spring-h2 | H2 database jdbc url and properties |
Installation- Install Visual Studio Code 1.44.0 or higher
- Launch Code
- From the command palette
Ctrl -Shift -P (Windows, Linux) or Cmd -Shift -P (OSX) - Select
Install Extension - Choose the extension
- Reload Visual Studio Code
- Org.projectlombok lombok 1.18.8 provided IntelliJ IDEA 中 安装lombok插件。 其他集成开发环境(比如 Visual Studio Code, Eclipse), 请参见官方文档 Install部分。 下面主要是对lombok features部分的翻译.
- CSDN问答为您找到Lombok Support officially in Visual Studio Code相关问题答案,如果想了解更多关于Lombok Support officially in Visual Studio Code技术问题等相关问答,请访问CSDN问答。.
Lombok Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code version: 1.25.0-insider; Java extension version: 0.28.0; Steps To Reproduce. Any Spring Boot, Maven project; Add Lombok 1.18.0; Logs. WARNING: Using incubator modules: jdk.incubator.httpclient Error - 11:21:30 5 Jul. 2018, 11:20:20 am Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in: 'org.eclipse.core.resources'.