- How To Use Autotune In Audacity
- In Audacity How Do I Make My Tracks Louder
- In Audacity How Do I Extend A Section Longer
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How To Use Autotune In Audacity
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Speed Multiplier. This sets how many times faster or slower the audio will play. For example, setting this to '2.000' will double the speed (and raise the pitch by one octave), or setting this to '0.500' will halve the playback speed (and lower the pitch by one octave). Audacity can import many common audio file formats, including WAV, AIFF, and MP3. If the optional FFmpeg library is installed, a larger range of formats, including WMA and the audio content of most video files, can be imported. Audacity cannot import copy-protected music files. Audacity is a free and open-source digital audio editor and recording application software, available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and other Unix-like operating systems. Audacity was started in the fall of 1999 by Dominic Mazzoni and Roger Dannenberg at Carnegie Mellon University and was released on May 28, 2000 as version 0.8.
Written by Rob Wreglesworth in Audacity, Tips and Guides Audacity is free, open-source audio software that can be used for basic audio production. The fact it costs nothing means it is a popular choice for beginners or those on a budget. Audacity is an open source, cross-platform audio editor and recorder. Audacity can record and play sounds and import and export WAV, AIFF, MP3, and OGG files.
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In Audacity How Do I Make My Tracks Louder
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In Audacity How Do I Extend A Section Longer
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